FMCA Graduation Requirements

You will need to complete these following requirements to graduate with an FMCA Health Coaching Certification.

Last Updated: November 8, 2021

Applies to: Current Students

FMCA Graduation Requirements

During your year with FMCA, you will be expected to complete the following graduation requirements:

  • Complete all assignments.
  • Remain within the 4 allotted absences for LTS.
  • Participate in two Practical Skills Development (PSD) Sessions.
  • Receive a passing grade on your Practical Skills Assessment (PSA).

All FMCA coursework is graded as either complete or incomplete. This is displayed in your gradebook with a 1 being complete and a 0 being incomplete. If you receive an incomplete, you are required to revise the assignment and resubmit it.

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