Ask The Expert Location and Availability

Ask The Expert (ATE) calls are optional program bonuses and the details will be posted in the Canvas Calendar.

Last Updated: January 24, 2022

Applies to: Current Students 


Ask The Expert (ATE) calls are optional program bonuses. They are a great opportunity to ask questions about the program content and anything else related to Functional Medicine, Functional Nutrition, and health coaching. We recommend reading the guest bios and checking to see if there’s a specific topic focus prior to submitting questions. It is not appropriate to ask for medical advice on ATE calls.

ATE call details will be posted within the Canvas Calendar

Will the Calls Be Available Later?

Yes, if you can’t join the calls live, you’ll be able to post questions in advance and listen to the recordings, which will be posted in the Ask The Expert (ATE) section found in the Course Navigation menu. You can also download them and listen later. We recommend prioritizing the content within the core program if you are ever behind schedule.

Still Need Help? 

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